Date/ Salle : 7.06.2018 / 12:45- 13:30 / Stravinski Room IIV/IIIV
Langue : Anglais / Allemand
Speaker :
Dr. Jochen Jung, Chefarzt Orthopädie, Kreuznacher Diakonie
Dr. Stefan Wilhelm, Director Mako Software Engineering, Stryker Freiburg
Dr. Bernhard Christen, Christenortho Bern
Surgeon and scientific faculty will discuss Mako Partial and Total Knee applications, clinical results and scientific background. Conversation will touch upon the core features of the Mako System: enhanced planning, dynamic joint balancing and robotic-arm assisted bone preparation, resulting in functional implant positioning. To date, there have been over 125,000 cases completed in over 19 countries across the Mako Total Knee, Partial Knee and Total Hip applications.
Date/ Salle : 7.06.2018 / 12:45 - 13:30 / Miles Davis Hall
Langue : Anglais
Speaker : PD Dr. med. Michael T. Hirschmann et Dr. Med. Henrik Behrend
Since some years, a lot of attention has been focused on native knee anatomy and native knee alignment. A very broad variation of knee shapes among the global population has been described, not only between gender and ethnics but also among a same population and it has been well documented that a part of the population presents a physiological constitutional deviation of the lower limb. Close to that, the current practice is to use off-the-shelf knee prostheses, which mismatch the knee anatomy and to target a neutral mechanical alignment. Those dogmatic choices involve compromises, which may have adverse effects on knee function and global patient’s satisfaction. A personalised 3D preoperative knee planning is essential to identify the patient-specific knee morphotype, in order to assess the global 3D compromises as well as to define the best method of knee alignment and orientation of the prosthetic joint line.
Date/ Salle : 8.06.2018 / 12:45 - 13:30 / Miles Davis Hall
Langue : Anglais
Speaker : Dr. Georges Kohut
Date / Salle : 08.06.2018 / 12:45-13:30 / Stravinski Room IIV/IIIV
Langue : Englisch
Speaker : Dr Alwyn Kotzé, Faculty of Medicine And Health - University of Leeds